Monday, September 12, 2011


I've been thinking lately about God living outside of nice that must be.

I drive quite a bit each week (okay this is an understatement), and this week I caught a glimpse of my kids at all ages at once.  This probably doesn't make any sense the way I'm saying it, but as infants, kids, teens, adults, elderly...everything all at once.  I can't say exactly what it looked like, just that I regarded this momentless moment.  And I felt very big and transcendent...outside of the same time I felt very small and part of a much bigger realm of time and space.  What does all this mean?  Well, I don't have time to contemplate it.  I've got a million billion pages to read and write before the next class. 

Week 3 of school and I already find myself out of whack.  Last week I could barely move because of a pinched nerve or something in my neck.  My magical friend fixed me up a bit with a LaStone massage.  If I've ever had a better lesson in intentionality, I can't recall.  Her body as an instrument of healing, the stones as extensions of herself, my body communicating its failures and all required intense involvement on her part and a deep letting go on my part.  I need more of this kind of lesson.  I am trying to find out how to appropriate it in other situations so I don't have to wait until my back's all jacked up to experience such healing intentionality. 

This week I have to make two trips to school, and this equates to about 16 hours in the car before I turn around and come back next week which is only two days later.  Time is racing in a way I never thought possible.  I have so much to do, in so many places, and all I really want to do is be still.  Driving gives me a chance to do that. I do a lot of sky-watching, thinking, and listening to audiobooks.  Today I saw a cloud resembling a person reclining, looking up into the sky beyond my sightline. What's up there, dude? I also saw a fat dinosaur and a baby chick.  I try to find a new way each week to be totally present. I may be flying through life at breakneck speed in 20 different directions, but I am going to find ways to be here now.  Right here.  Now.  Maybe that's a way I can live outside of least in some small way.

Peace be with you.

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